The Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and Technology Mr. Joe Mucheru presided over the formation of a taskforce to develop Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence to be employed in the Blockchain database.
Blockchain is an incorruptible, protected, permanent, constantly growing list of digital records or registers.This technology is being employed to create a public online database for all land transactions in Kenya in the form of distributed ledgers and will help link an individual’s property to his or her details.
A distributed ledger is decentralized, consensually reproduced, shared and corresponding digital data spread across multiple sites. In this technology, the distributed ledger is simply a chain of computers that transmits information and records all the transactions that take place. This function will be made easier by digitization of all title deeds.
The land database will be decentralized hence it will be accessessible from any point by other parties who may key in additional data for a transaction. The transactions are verified by data communication and distribution end points such as networks that record information in the distributed ledgers. This will minimize forgery and interfering with documents and information in the distribution ledgers. Information on the registered owners of land at any particular time and chronology of transfer will therefore be readily available.
Further, every land transaction will be transmitted through a communication end point which adds a block to the already existing data in distributed ledgers. In this manner, the communication points validates every land transaction and transmits them to other networks. The authenticity of each transaction is therefore guaranteed and cannot be duplicated.
The technology once adopted will increase efficiency in the Land Registries by reducing paper work, cutting out corruption cartels , ease retrival of records from the archives and help in getting rid of fake titles.
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