On 19th May, 2017, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced that starting late 2017, ROMARIN, Madrid E-Alert and Madrid Real-Time Status will no longer be available on the WIPO website. The link to the WIPO announcement is available here.
However, they have designed a trade mark monitoring software called the Madrid Monitor which shall integrate the functions and content of these tools. This new monitor shall offer a simpler, more powerful and streamlined way to stay up-to-date on your trademark portfolio. It will easily track the progress of your international registration, keep an eye on competitors’ marks, and also enable persons to save and share their searches.
Further, the Madrid Monitor shall also have a Member Profiles Database, which is a portal that shall easily give access to the trademark laws and examination procedures of Madrid System members. This shall help people accessing the Monitor to uncover the rules and procedures for filing their international applications through their ‘home’ Office of origin. This Database shall also contain the time limits for examination, cancellation, refusals, oppositions and third party observations.
WIPO is currently providing training and resources as they transition towards the next era in Madrid e-services.
Please contact us at Info@cfllegal.com should you require further information.